NextGen Superbowl Event
Over the past year many individuals, companies, and non-profit organizations have found themselves in very difficult financial times. Next-Gen has found a way to host socially distant events while volunteering with local Big I members to raise money for local charities. The organization raised money by having members purchase football boxes priced at $5 a box. Third-party vendors and carriers have graciously offered sponsorships by donating funds so we can purchase gift cards for the winners. In turn, running these events doesn’t cost us anything.
Our recent fundraiser was a huge success in which Big I Suffolk raised over $500 to a Long Island Rabbit Rescue Group. LIRRG is a local animal rescue that is very near and dear to my heart. I personally volunteer with the non-profit organization and I adopted my two rabbits from them. They are an all-volunteer organization. People often don’t realize rabbits are the third most abandoned pet in the U.S. The rescue’s mission is to rescue abused, neglected, or abandoned rabbits; have them medically treated and spayed/neutered; and place them in loving, indoor homes. Also, the organization educates the public on the special care and health needs of domestic rabbits and are sustained by donations.
Social distancing does not mean we are not able to volunteer. Big I Suffolk plans on continuing to find ways to support our local communities by hosting events similar to this. We hope to “see” you at a future fundraiser!